04  Mutation and the increase of information

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According to the theory, macro evolution is supposed to have been driven by a random sequence of those mutations, which, in the organism’s respective environment, proves to be an advantage to selection. In 2005, the biologist Gerald Bergman and his team searched through nearly nineteen million publications looking for beneficial mutations.  Of 453,732 mutations described, only 186 could be classified as beneficial. Moreover, none of these mutations demonstrated an increase in genetic information for new functionally-capable proteins.

In conventional biology, there is a broad assumption that the number of different species that ever inhabited the Earth amounts to some 2 x 1014 (200 billion). According to the advocates of evolution, for a new species to be created, an estimated thousand intermediate forms are necessary. Therefore, from an evolutionary theoretical point of view, to date, approximately 2 x 1017 intermediate forms must have lived on Earth. To get from one intermediate form to the next would, once again, supposedly require a thousand beneficial mutations. That means that, by today, approaching 2 x 1020 beneficial mutations must have been passed through.

That would be, calculated over the past 500 million years (during which evolution is supposed to have taken place) on average worldwide, 10,000 beneficial mutations per second! In spite of this, in the entirety of the specialist literature of the past decades, not a single mutation could be documented which would have added meaningful coding to the DNA (1) (2).

It must be taken into account that, in this representation, we are talking about successful mutations. According to the theory of evolution, a gigantic variety of random mutations would have to have taken place, for 10,000 successful ones to occur every second.

It would be of vital importance to the theory of evolution for DNA strands to lengthen spontaneously and frequently. The fact that it has not been possible to establish the occurrence of such an event (with a beneficial effect for the creature) even after decades of sampling, may relate, among other things, to internal cellular-control mechanisms, which inhibit precisely this. Mutations can only survive this control process after duplicating if they are made up of the same number of building blocks as the original. Otherwise they will be instantly destroyed.

Richard Dawkins, a leading advocate of the theory of evolution, was asked whether he could give an example of the modification of an organism, in which information was added. He was not able to do so (3). Lee Spetner was of the opinion that “the inability to name even a single example of a mutation which added information signifies more than just lack of support for the theory” (4).

 The fact is that even after over fifty years of intensive research, not a single example of the increase of intelligent information in the genome could be found.

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 Gerald R. Bergman, Darwinism and the Deterioration of the Genome, CRSQ 42/2, September 2005, pages 110–112.

(2)  Barney Maddox, Mutations: The Raw Material for Evolution? Acts and Facts 36/9, September 2007, pages 10–13.

(3)  Gillian Brown, A Response to Barry Williams, The Skeptic 18/3, September 1998.

(4)  Lee Spetner, Not by Chance!, The Judaica Press, 1997, pages 107 & 131.

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