86  Neanderthals and Australomorphs

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The descent of man from apelike ancestors has still not been proved. Not a single indisputable example of the fantastic intermediate forms (ape becoming human with upright gait) published in the media has ever been found. The most famous prehistoric human, numerous examples of which have been unearthed, is the Neanderthal. The Neanderthals were by no means primitive. Quite the contrary, their average braincase volume was larger than that of modern humans. Whether and to what extent modern humans are related to the Neanderthals is a matter of controversy. At any rate, it seems clear they could not possibly be the "missing link" between apes and humans. The hypothesis generally supported today is that Neanderthals, chimpanzees and modern humans share a common ancestor. However, not a trace of these hypothetical ancestors has ever been found. The Australomorphs also do not appear to be the missing links.

The extinct anthropoid ape genus Australopithecus, as well as several other similar genera (known collectively as “Australomorphs”), is under consideration by evolutionary theorists as potential human ancestors. However, all of these forms show characteristic features that are irreconcilable with the transition form status. The same applies to the recently discovered genera Orrorin, Kenyanthropus and Sahelanthropus.

The known fossils cannot be arranged in an indisputable line leading to humans. Each species involved has features that contradict the assumed lineages. The Australomorphs do not fit the role of either connecting links between apelike species and Neanderthals or ancestors of modern humans (1).


It is not sufficient to emphasize individual features that would appear to support a transitional role for Australopithecus (and other genera) between anthropoid apes and humans. The overall spectrum of characteristics is the decisive factor. The macro evolutionary hypothesis does not require the evolution of individual characteristics, but rather the whole species. To qualify as a transitional form, the spectrum of characteristics as a whole should correspond to a transitional form, at least approximately. This is clearly not the case with Australopithecus.

Due to the overall unique character of their spectrum of characteristics, the australomorphs could be considered an independent extinct basic type with no ancestral relationship to humans.

Ramapithecus, once touted as the first human-like animal and early ancestor of humans, is now considered to be more likely a relative of the Asian anthropoid ape species orang-utan (2).

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(1) Sigrid Hartwig-Scherer, 18.06.2007, http://www.genesisnet.info/?Sprache=de&Artikel=43622&l=1.
(2) Sigrid Hartwig-Scherer, Ramapithecus, Vorfahr des Menschen?, Zeitjournal-Verlag, 1989, page 47.

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